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Special Needs Handbook for Teachers

For more than 20 years we have been providing resources and guidance for teachers of children with special needs. While many things can affect a child’s progress, over time we have gathered a collection of best practices and ideas that our millions of users have told us work with many of the children in their classrooms.

This handbook will help you create an organized and efficient classroom environment where your special needs students will thrive. Learn strategies for controlling problem behaviors, setting goals, and following through with a focused behavior management plan. Resources to help your students develop problem solving reading language, and math skills are included. Over 60 pages of printable communication cards, forms, and classroom tools are sure to save time, money and frustration.

  • 276 page bound B/W book
  • 60 pages of printable resources including picture cards, classroom forms, activities, and writing papers.

This book is available for purchase through Barnes & Noble:

Click here to purchase the Special Needs Handbook for Teachers

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