Make the picture cards available to a person learning to communicate. Teach him to bring you a picture to express one of his needs. Any attempt to communicate which is initiated by the person learning this skill must be enthusiastically received. If someone holds up a picture card with a pizza on it and a caretaker drives him out to pick up pizza, that connection and reward for communicating is very powerful.
Display pictures of food and drink on the refrigerator. This can be done with magnets, tape, or a cardboard "choice board" with picture cards attached. When you know someone wants a drink, hand him the corresponding card (cup, juice box - be consistent). Have him look at the picture. Say "drink." Have him give you the drink card. Reinforce this repetitively several times before giving him the drink. It is easiest to teach these skills when someone is highly motivated, and that often involves food!
Display pictures of activities in a play area. These can be displayed on a board, a strip or even in a notebook. Using the above explanation, help the person build his own activity schedule.
Need more Picture Cards? View2Do is an online program that lets you create customized teaching aids for visual learners.