for work system:
A work system is a concrete, visual way to tell your child:
1) What he has to do.
2) How much much he has to do.
3) When he is finished.
4) What happens next.
how this helps:
Helps children who have trouble following verbal directions and remembering
steps in an activity.
Uses organizational as well as visual supports.
Allows the individual to get the activity done with little frustration.
Teaches specific skills in an organized and structured way.
Teaches flexibility by using the same materials for different tasks. For
example, one could use the same objects in a task for sorting by color,
sorting by shape or sorting by function.
Work systems can be used for any activity that has more than one step,
such as washing hands, making a sandwich, getting dressed, etc.
Note: Thanks to Michelle Migden, therapist, Chapel Hill TEACCH Center

Work System or "To Do List" Order can be left to right or top to bottom.