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Improving Communication Skills

Tone of Voice & Volume Control

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Purpose:   To help individuals with communication and social issues learn to modulate their voice volume to an appropriate level.

Individuals with communication and social issues can learn to modulate their voice volume; however, it is important to make sure that they have a good understanding of the levels that are appropriate for different situations.  Make sure to review environmental settings in the student’s life that may require a different voice level than the typical #3 setting (i.e.  In church, you may use a #1 voice level but on the playground or at a sporting event, you may use a #4 voice level)

Real Life Examples

 How loud you can talk in the cafeteria


What tone of voice is appropriate when speaking with teachers or parents


What tone of voice is appropriate when speaking with instructors or supervisors


  • Read the explanation of voice and volume control.  Discuss how your voice can go up and down like a thermometer depending on your “emotional temperature”.
  • Display the colored thermometer graphic organizer so that they can recognize they levels.
  • Practice identifying levels of voice volume by modeling a level and asking students to assign a number to the voice level.
  • Use the additional thermometer worksheet to help practice identifying levels of voice volume.  Have them color in the level to the number they think represents the volume level you are demonstrating.
  • Develop a signal with your child/student to let them know when they are using an inappropriate voice level (whether it be too soft or too loud).  Teach them what to do when you signal them and practice this so that they can begin to modify their voice level independently.