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Improving Social Behavior

Sharing Space

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Purpose:  To help individuals with social issues recognize the importance of learning to share space with others and develop strategies for feeling more safe and comfortable in such situations

Real Life Examples

Playing on the playground with others


Working at the same lab table with a partner


Working in a small group during an employment training session


  • Review the social article and bulleted information sheet
  • Discuss the feelings your student has when sharing space
  • Use the Topic Tree graphic organizer to generate additional strategies
It is important to recognize that many children and adults with social difficulties have trouble sharing space with others. They may feel nervous about being close to other people due to sensory issues or may have trouble accepting others within their own personal space. Helping these individuals understand that it is okay to feel this way and that there are strategies and choices to help make them feel more comfortable is very helpful since sharing space is a skill that they will need to use throughout their lives on a daily basis.