Teacher Toolbox
Learning Strategies - Study Skills

Supports at Home

To help with homework issues at home, teachers and caregivers need to discuss the patterns of homework assignments and the expectations regarding homework. 

Some general reasons students are reluctant to do homework include:

  • Fatigue at the end of a long school day
  • Frustration caused by not understanding the assignment
  • Forgetting the materials needed to complete the assignment
  • Assignments that are too difficult
  • Competing interests such as video games
  • Over-scheduled with after school activities
  • Emotional and behavioral issues
Encourage the caregiver to discuss any difficulties he or she may have with the child completing work at home. If homework becomes a struggle, discuss with the caregiver the issues that could impact homework. There are many reasons that could cause the difficulties with homework. Help to analyze the reasons why homework may be a chore and make suggestions accordingly.

Teachers Can Provide Suggestions to the Caregivers to Help the Child with Homework
  • Keep a class list that the student can call if they forget their homework. Have the student exchange contact information with a peer so they can call if they need help or information about homework assignments or classroom events.
  • Keep materials such as paper, sharpened pencils, calculators, rulers, and other tools in an accessible location. This will help with organization.
  • Establish a homework time to help the student develop efficient study habits
  • Set boundaries with the child about the amount of help they receive.  Sometimes children will rely on adult assistance to complete tasks that they can do independently.  Allocate a certain number of problems that the child must do before checking in with an adult.
  • If the student needs breaks – use sand timers or analogue clocks to help monitor the work time. 
  • Have the student take a quick active break before starting again, such as shooting 10 baskets or riding their bike around the block twice.
  • Before going to bed, have the student pack their book bag and set it in an obvious location so they will not forget it the next day.