Teacher Toolbox
Learning Strategies - Overview

gross and Fine motor skills

Motor function can be separated into gross and fine motor skills.

Poorly developed gross motor skills may impact the individual’s muscle tone, grasp, and other movements.  This may make it awkward for an individual to participate in physical activities, such as running or learning to ride a bicycle, or to eat with utensils.  Often children with poorly developed gross motor skills appear to be clumsy. 

Motor functioning also incorporates hand-eye coordination.  Weak hand-eye coordination impedes the child’s ability to do tasks that require the hand to be guided by visual intake.  Activities that require hand-eye coordination include working with crafts, paper and pencil tasks, and some sports.

Children who exhibit deficits with fine motor skills may have delays when learning to write, color, use scissors, and to complete activities that require left to right task orientation.