Teacher Toolbox
Classroom Management - Behavior in the Classroom


If unsure of the reasons for behavior problems, you may choose to do a Behavior Needs Assessment first. Some problems can be solved by simpler solutions, such as changes within the classroom strategies.

Steps to Create a Behavior Management Plan

A behavior management plan can have any format. For illustration, an example design is shown here.

  1. Create a list of goals that target problem behaviors.
  2.  Define the target replacement behaviors for these goals.
  3. Use student feedback to encourage replacement behaviors.
  4. Define the teacher monitoring methods.
  5. Communicate with the family to coordinate efforts.
  6. Follow through and phase out the monitoring.

Help children communicate between school & home by circling the activities that they did during the school day.

1. Keep the behavior expectations simple.
2. Post the rules and refer to them often.
3. Provide the student with an acceptable replacement behavior.
4. Establish a preventive signal system if possible – use the
    preventive signal once as a reminder. Example signals are:

  • Stand in front of desk
  • Hold up a visual cue card
  • Tap finger on desk
  • Touch child's shoulder

5. Provide immediate feedback to the student.
6. Initiate consequences as soon as possible once the disruption occurs.
7. Make sure the consequence is related to the incident.