In order to become efficient readers, children need to be able to perceive and manipulate the sounds in words, connect the sounds to the letter or letter patterns, read the words quickly, and link meaning to the text. Difficulties in one or more of these areas can hinder a child’s progress when learning to read. Effective reading programs incorporate direct instruction in the areas of sound awareness, word attack or decoding, fluency, vocabulary development, and reading comprehension.
Early Literacy Skills
Block and script letters A-Z
This paper is helpful for guiding early writers in proper letter height, width and placement of the letters of the alphabet. |
Go Fish Letters
Play is exactly like traditional Go Fish, except instead of matching numbers, players match the sounds of each letter, not the name. |
Words and syllables
Training of sound awareness needs to begin with words in sentences and with syllables. |
Decoding skills activities
Decoding refers to the child’s ability to link the sounds to the letter or letter patterns to decipher unknown words. |
Sounds Sing-A-Long
These videos show a creative speech program developed by an experienced speech therapist to help children with pronunciation difficulties. |
Sounds Bingo Game
Game board laid out on a 5x5 grid containing Picture cards of simple images. |
Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension strategies
Often children struggle to recognize important elements of text, summarize, and synthesize the information to create new knowledge. |
Sight Words
View2Do is an online program that lets teachers and parents create customized teaching aids for visual learners. |
Sight words overview
To support efficient reading, children need to be able to recognize some common words automatically. |