Skip Navigation Determining Interests
Interests Quiz


This quiz will ask you about your general interests. There are a variety of jobs all over the world that are suited for all types of people. Sometimes, it can be difficult to decide what type of job you should look for and apply for. Everybody has certain hobbies and activities that they like to do regularly. To help you choose the type of the job you may be interested in, you can take our Interests Quiz.


  1. This assessment contains 44 questions and will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. 
  2. Read each question carefully, and select the answer that best suits you.

    • Almost always = I almost always like to do/am interested in this activity.
    • Often = I often like to do/am interested in this activity.
    • Sometimes = I sometimes like to do/am interested in this activity.
    • Rarely = I rarely like to do/am interested in this activity.
    • Almost never = I almost never like to do/am interested in this activity.

  3. Respond to each question as honestly as you can.
  4. If you need help completing this assessment, ask someone (a family member, teacher, coach, etc.) to assist you. 
  5. What happens after you complete the quiz?   Based on your responses, you will receive a list of jobs that you might be interested in.  
Go to the Interests Quiz.